This is the second in a medical thriller series featuring Dr. Luke Daulton, an anesthesiologist working at Swatara Regional Hospital. This story takes place a couple of years after the events in the first book, and Luke now has a two-year-old daughter.
With the blend of medical and technical details, mad gossip about affairs, and the endless dynamics of hospital politics, there’s a lot happening. There’s the usual mix of bad guys and gals and it’s quickly clear that Brandt Stevens, a nurse in the SICU, is one to keep an eye on. Unfortunately, his girlfriend has a roving eye and has her sights set on the handsome new robotic heart surgeon, Dr. Dominic Salazar. My goodness — what jealousy will do.
I enjoyed this a bit more than the first one though I wasn’t that interested in the computer tech aspects of it as much as the hospital scenes and the medical parts. The love triangle stuff was completely ridiculous as were the endless pages describing how various men felt about women and sex. Ugh.
On to the third installment. Let’s just say that there is indeed a lot of drama within and all these life and death scenarios are a bit far-fetched when they involve the medical personnel and not the patients!
This is the second in a series that should be read in order.
Genre - medical thriller, Techno, murder