NetGalley Top Reviewer

NetGalley Top Reviewer
NetGalley Top Reviewer

Saturday, August 1, 2015

Die Again Tomorrow by Kira Peikoff

3.0 out of 5 stars -- OK this was my MOST anticipated read of 2015 as I love a medical thriller that is both technologically fascinating and suspenseful. Right now I feel a little let down and just disappointed as I have read both of this author's previous books. I had expected more. 

The main character was not someone I could admire and envy for her brains and gumption but a melodramatic and histrionic "survivalist" with simply a knack for getting into impossible situations that were not only improbable but sometimes ridiculous. The outcome was totally predictable. I don't know what else to say right now. 

I read this book in one sitting because I had been so excited about it having read the other two of her books. It was like I was not even reading the same author but I definitely would like to give Ms Peikoff another chance with a future book. Being a nurse myself and reading every type of medical thriller out there, I really was looking for much more from this author. The idea of resuscitation and bringing back the dead (reanimating) is not new, however, the way it was presented herein was just not believable (the ship, the scientists there, etc.) and that main character...UGH UGH UGH. Hoped she would die.


Thank you to Kensington Books Pinnacle for the e-book ARC to review.

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