NetGalley Top Reviewer

NetGalley Top Reviewer
NetGalley Top Reviewer

Thursday, April 4, 2024

One by One by Freida McFadden

 Fast paced and entertaining mystery thriller.

Three couples set off together in a minivan for a week at a secluded resort. Claire and Noah are married but she is super unhappy and hopes to hook up with Jack who is along with his uptight wife, Michelle. Lindsay is Claire’s best friend since college and is bringing her new beau, Warner. Things quickly go from tolerable to bad to worse. Soon they are wandering in the woods, hopelessly lost without food or water. Then, one by one, they start to die off. 

I listened to the audio while also following along with the e-book and the narrative moves along briskly. The main voice is that of Claire though there is an anonymous point of view — I guessed early who it was only because with this author I’ve learned to go for the most unlikely to get the big twist. To be sure, most of the characters were actually pretty unlikeable to the point that I wasn’t sure I would care who would be the last one standing. There’s a lot of repetition and some of it strained my ability to suspend disbelief that 6 grown people could get themselves into this situation. But it made for a quick and easy read as you keep guessing and turning the pages to see what happens next. No surprises for me though some might feel otherwise.

Thank you to NetGalley for the e-book ARC to read and review. I enjoy this author’s books as they aren’t long and involved. They make great beach reads. Got the audiobook from my library.

This is a standalone and is not part of any series.

Genre - mystery thriller

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