NetGalley Top Reviewer

NetGalley Top Reviewer
NetGalley Top Reviewer

Thursday, May 16, 2024

Murder on the French Riviera (Kitty Underwood #16) by Helena Dixon

 The 16th book in this historical fiction cozy mystery series.

Matt and Kitty are off on holiday to Nice, France, in the spring of 1936. Well, that’s what they want everyone to think — just a married couple, hoteliers, checking out the luxurious Le Neresco and enjoying some time together. However, what they’ve been asked to do by the brigadier has nothing to do with a vacation. They are on a risky spy mission and meant to retrieve some sensitive documents about the state of Italy’s military strength and future plans. When they arrive, they shortly discover that their contact is dead. The documents are nowhere to be found. And the police are eying them as possible suspects. 

I have really enjoyed all the previous books in series but I wish Matt and Kitty would just return to Torbay and the Dolphin Hotel. I prefer the characters from that particular setting to rejoin the plots. Also, they could have a little more zing in their relationship considering they are not that long married. I don’t mind that there’s no mention of intimacy, etc., but wowza they are barely affectionate even in the most romantic of places. The story line really wasn’t all that gripping and I missed my usual pleasure at reconnecting with these characters, the place and time, and the intrigue in their own home town. I still enjoy the period details. 

Thank you to Bookouture for the e-book ARC to read and review. 

This is a series that should be read in order. Book #16.

Genre - historical cozy mystery

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