NetGalley Top Reviewer

NetGalley Top Reviewer
NetGalley Top Reviewer

Monday, April 2, 2018

The Murder List (DI Zac Boateng #1) by Chris Merritt

"Never give up. You owe it to that person you loved. To the memory you still love, that no one can take away."

Fast-paced police procedural with the theme of revenge. DI Zac Boateng’s 9-year-old daughter, Amelia, was a victim of a stray bullet when they were going on an errand to the local newsagent one morning 5 years ago. The killer was never identified or apprehended. Zac, his wife, and surviving son have not passed a day without remembering Amelia. But Zac wants much more -- he wants the killer behind bars -- or dead. He moonlights on a solo investigation to track down the killer's identity and bring him to justice and meanwhile puts himself in danger because others are looking for the same man for different reasons.

Darian Wallace spent time in prison but is now out. He wants to recover the stolen items that resulted in his imprisonment, but more than that, he wants to punish those who ratted him out after the robbery. The reader sees a glimpse into his twisted psyche as he attempts to rationalize his behavior and life of crime. He can't leave London until he's taken care of business...

An ex-military man named Spike is also looking for Darian Wallace at the behest of Susanna Pym, the Parliamentary Under Secretary of State for Health. She has her own reasons for finding Wallace. Seems he stole something very valuable from her in the robbery that landed him in prison.

A complicated manhunt as Wallace is determined to complete his tasks and Spike is mission with Zac Boateng right on their heels. The writing is good, the characters well-drawn, and the action almost non-stop. Very enjoyable. I'll definitely want to read the sequel.

Thank you to NetGalley and Bookouture for the e-book ARC to read and review.

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