In this 6th installment, Kitty Underhay and her paramour, Captain Matthew Bryant, are investigating nefarious dealings and murder at an upscale care facility - -the Elm House Nursing Home. Residents there are dying under mysterious circumstances even though most were simply recuperating from minor ailments. In addition, Kitty continues to search for information about her mother's death and the man she holds responsible.
I enjoy this series as a break from the grisly crime thrillers I tend to read. The details about the time period (1934) and the local color of the hotel and the little seaside town are comforting in their simplicity and the social mores of that period in history. Always a quick read, it allows a brief escape with enough depth to the plot to keep me interested. Looking forward to #7.
Thank you to NetGalley and Bookouture for this e-book ARC to read, review, and recommend.
This is the 6th in a series that should be read in order.
Genre - cozy mystery, UK
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