NetGalley Top Reviewer

NetGalley Top Reviewer
NetGalley Top Reviewer

Thursday, June 27, 2024

Behind a Closed Door by J.D. Barker

 This suspense thriller serves as a cautionary tale. Be careful...

If ever there was a book that would make me think long and hard about all my connected electronics, this was it. Our smart homes, smart phones, and all of the social media combined with the extensive list of apps should give us pause. What do we really know about what all of that is tracking in our lives.

Abby and Brendan Hollander are going through a bit of a rough patch in their marriage. A therapist suggests they download the new popular app, Sugar & Spice, to bring some excitement and intimacy into their relationship. What could go wrong -- it's just an app. A little bit of fun, right?  After all, no one can MAKE you do anything you don't want to do, correct? Little do they know...

No spoilers here but I almost DNF because of all the violence and graphic sex details. I didn't really like any of the characters who just made one bad decision after another. The premise and concept were unique, and I wanted to see how it played out, so I did finish. I tried listening to the audiobook while following along with the e-book ARC (provided by the publisher), but the narrator was so bad at doing women's voices that I had to stop. I've found it's always a mistake to have only a single narrator for most books and it definitely negatively affects the quality of the production. 

I've loved other books by this author, but this was a disappointment.

This is a standalone and is not part of any series.

Genre - suspense thriller, graphic sex and violence

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