NetGalley Top Reviewer

NetGalley Top Reviewer
NetGalley Top Reviewer

Friday, June 21, 2024

The Last Hunt (Final Hunt #2) by Audrey J. Cole

 Sequel brings this thriller duo to a predictable and improbable conclusion.

Cameron Prescott Jenkins has moved to Tok, Alaska, following the death of her serial killer husband. At least she hopes he is truly and finally dead. She is trying to start over with her new state trooper boyfriend and put her past behind her. Unfortunately, when a new body is found that bears some similarities to the methods used by John Prescott in his murderous spree, Cameron is not certain that he is not back and ultimately seeking revenge. 

Narrated by Leslie Howard, this audiobook moved at a face pace. The voice of the narrator did not change much and so most of the characters sounded way too much alike. The nuances and differences did little to help me in telling them apart. This is usually not a problem because I typically following along in the e-book while listening, but at times I had difficulty figuring out whom of the large cast of characters was speaking. 

I had read the first book and this picked up right where the other left off, but I would not read this one without having read the first. I never cared for Cameron or found her likeable or believable as a woman in this remote area of Alaska posing as a super woman survivor type. I also couldn't understand why all these law enforcement types were so helpful to her and gave her all sorts of investigation information that usually would not be shared. I don't feel justice was served by the ending. If there is more to this story or about these characters, I won't be following along.

Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for the audiobook ARC. I had been offered a copy of the e-book as well but apparently missed the download deadline. 

This is a sequel to The Last Hunt. Read in order.

Genre - mystery thriller

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