NetGalley Top Reviewer

NetGalley Top Reviewer
NetGalley Top Reviewer

Friday, August 9, 2024

A Game of Lies (DC Morgan #2) by Clare Mackintosh

 Crime thriller set in Wales.

Another book about a reality show! Apparently, this is the genre du jour in 2024 as I have read quite a few with similar themes this year. In this case, seven contestants are chosen to participate in a telecast named "Exposure" that is being filmed at a camp set up in the Welsh mountains. Lured to participate thinking it was a survival type program, they find out on live television that the whole point of their experience will be about finding out and exposing each other's secrets. Shamed publicly and perhaps resulting in terrible consequences in their personal lives. Locked into contracts they can't get out of, the seven are trapped and when the outing of the secrets begins, one of the players disappears. The local police are called in to search for the missing person. Then a murder.  DC Ffion Morgan has to quickly figure out what is going on.

This was fast-paced, and I felt a bit at a loss as this was the second book in a series and I had not read the first. I have not previously read a lot of books set in Wales so I found the description of the area quite interesting. I don't feel like I got to know the characters very well and all seemed stereotypical and superficial as detectives, especially Ffion who is headstrong, impetuous, and doesn't really follow the rules but her understanding boss allows her to remain on the job despite her failings. I understand the romance began in the previous book. The secrets and lies are revealed and the case is solved with the usual heroine in peril situation. I probably won't continue this series.

I listened to the audiobook while following along in the e-book ARC provided by the publisher. It's a good thing I had the book because the accents and pronunciations made it almost impossible to understand what was being said. The narrator's voice was quite unpleasant.

This is the second book in a series that should be read from the beginning.

Genre - crime thriller, reality shows, detectives, Wales

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